Dietician Karakaya, who warns against wrong diets on social media, said, "Don't lose your health because I will lose weight"

Dietisten Rümeysa Karakaya, who stated that the diets and cures that are applied and applied through social media platforms and cause rapid weight loss are not healthy, said, “Wrong diet programs bring along many health problems. Don't be unhealthy just because I'm going to lose weight," he said.

ENGLISH - 15-01-2023 19:34

Dietitian Rümeysa Karakaya warned citizens against the diets and cures they followed on social media. Emphasizing that "10 kilos in a week" diets are extremely unhealthy, Dietician Karakaya said that a healthy diet should be sustainable and suitable for one's lifestyle. Karakaya stated that every unsustainable diet will ensure that the lost weight is regained.

Dietitian Rümeysa Karakaya, who stated that citizens give more credit to diets that make you lose 10 kilos in a week and get quick results, said, “But this is not the right attitude. While doing these diets, very low-energy diets are applied in order to gain weight quickly. Intensive exercise programs and weight loss drugs and teas are used. In our opinion, this attitude is not correct. There are health problems that come with rapid weight loss. For example, muscle loss is one of the most important results. In one study, when comparing a healthy diet with a very low-energy diet, it was observed that the low-energy diet caused 6 times more muscle loss. A healthy diet should be sustainable. It should fit the person's lifestyle. Every unsustainable diet guarantees the weight gain.

“Don't be unhealthy just because I'm going to lose weight”
Karakaya, who stated that citizens tend to wrong diet practices by looking at social media platforms, said, “However, the diet should be personal. You should definitely get support from an expert. Diet is individual and varies from person to person. Cures or diets on social media are not very suitable diets. While following the diet plan, it should be created by us, considering the person's fat percentage, muscle mass, the energy and nutrients he needs while creating the nutrition program. Long-term, very low-calorie diets cause rapid weight loss and nutritional deficiencies. Nutrient deficiencies can cause iron, folate and B12 deficiencies. In these, extreme fatigue and anemia cause hair loss. Wrong diet programs bring along many health problems. Don't be unhealthy just because I'm going to lose weight," he said.

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