Giriş Tarihi : 19-12-2022 16:27

Natural pregnancy with PRP in early menopause

A woman who could not have a child due to early menopause in Diyarbakır (Plateleth Rich Plasma) had a natural pregnancy with PRP and phytotherapy method.

Natural pregnancy with PRP in early menopause

Halime Salcaci (45) living in the Silvan district of Diyarbakır was diagnosed with early menopause. Longing for a child, Salcaci, Gynecology and IVF Specialist Prof. Dr. He applied to Hakan Çoksüer. Salcaci, who received 2 months of PRP and phytotherapy treatment, received the news that she was pregnant as a result of the treatment. Shedding tears of happiness, the expectant mother began to look forward to the day she would hold her child in her arms.
